Sparks Waiting to Ignite
Parshas Vayikra We are introduced to the complex laws and intricacies of korbanos, the sacrificial offerings made to Hashem in the times...

Contemplating Completion
Parshas Vayakhel After Chet Ha'Egel, the Torah goes on to describe Hashem's specific way of connecting with him to repair the damaged...

No Step Too Small
Parshas Tetzaveh Among the various garments worn by the Kohen Gadol discussed in this week's parshah, is the choshen. There is an...

Paradigm Shifts
Parshas Mishpatim Klal Yisroel has just witnessed mass revelation of Hakadosh Boruch Hu at Har Sinai. There they received the Aseres...

Claiming the Clouds
In Parshas Va'era, we learn about the plague of hail. Moshe Rabbeinu warns Pharaoh, “At this time tomorrow, I am going to cause heavy...

Leading the Pack
בס"ד Parshat Vayechi In this week's Parsha, we find Yaakov sick on his deathbed as his family comes to say their final goodbyes and...

Rising Above
One of my fondest memories of being a student at Neveh, over 20 years ago, was Chanukah in Yeshiva. The parties at the Rebbi’s homes...

Defining a King's Role
בס"ד Parshas Vayishlach “And these are the Kings that ruled in the land of Edom (Esav's birthright) before the kings of Israel. And in...

Greeting Divine Guests
We find that Avraham Avinu, immediately after receiving the Bris Milah, rushes to greet the three mysterious guests who wander over in...

The Colors of the Rainbow
As children we tend to grow up thinking that the rainbow is merely a beautiful decoration in the sky. It’s something we put on children's...