Paradigm Shifts
Parshas Mishpatim Klal Yisroel has just witnessed mass revelation of Hakadosh Boruch Hu at Har Sinai. There they received the Aseres...

Alumni Corner: Akiva Tendler
Shattering the Shackles After breaking free from the life enslaved to the Egyptians and receiving the Torah at Har Sinai, we begin our...

Student Spotlight: Judah Schnitzler
Maximizing our Relationships Parshas Mishpatim We ended off last week's parsha discussing the unbelievable experience of the Jewish...

Yeshiva Highlights
The past two weeks in Yeshiva have been nothing short of exciting. We gratefully began to appreciate as the weather slowly turns warmer....

Yeshiva Highlights
*Yeshiva highlights for the two weeks ending Jan. 17, 2019 The past two weeks in Yeshiva have flown by. We had new students join Yeshiva,...

Student Spotlight: Shmuel Borr
Challenging the Climb Parshas Beshalach The Jewish people are faced with a serious challenge. They have the Yam Suf lying ahead in front...

Illuminating the Darkness
Parshas Beshalach The posuk tells us of the powerful miracles that led Bnei Yisroel by night and day through the desert. והד' הֹלֵךְ֩...

Alumni Corner: Shua Stern
Contemplating the Complaints Parshas Beshalach When the Jews left Mitzrayim, they were complaining they needed some water to drink....

Claiming the Clouds
In Parshas Va'era, we learn about the plague of hail. Moshe Rabbeinu warns Pharaoh, “At this time tomorrow, I am going to cause heavy...

Yeshiva Highlights
~ Highlights for the two weeks ending Parshas Va'eirah (1/5/18) It has been a fun-filled and action packed two weeks here at Lev Zion....