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Yeshiva Highlights

Freilichin Chanukah & Chag Sameach to everyone! Chanukah in Yeshiva has been amazing. Right before Chanukah we had the chance of going to meet CGI specialist Yariv Newman in the Old City. Yariv has done some incredible special effects work for a number of famous movies and tv shows, and he shared his take on his personal journey to Judaism and some insights into his artistic business. Everyone greatly appreciated hearing his inspiration words and getting a behind the scenes peak at his fantastic work. Last wednesday, in anticipation of Chanukah, we took a trip down to Modi'in to visit the kevarim of the Maccabees. Just a few minute drive from there we took a hike up to the Ben Shemen Forest, which has the beautiful cliffs of Nachal Modi'in. We hiked up the cliffs (climbing part of the way) to enjoy some breathtaking views of the surrounding Moshavs and cities. Next, we headed to the home of Pinchas Becher (one of the Yeshiva's distinguished board members) in the Moshav of Neve Michoel. There we enjoyed a delicious BBQ and kumzitz.

In Yeshiva, we have been celebrating chanukah by hosting different Mesibahs at the Rabbis' homes for each night of Chanukah. Rabbi's Charlop and Katz hosted the boys in their homes, had singing, dancing, and even a sufganiyot-making competition. The Yeshiva Mesibah was hosted in the Beis Midrash of the Yeshiva, followed by music by Yaakov Babani. We had a delicious seudah, heard a dvar Torah from Rabbi Tendler, and watched a slideshow of highlights from the year so far. We were honored to have Avi Citron make a siyum and give an uplifting Dvar Torah.

Everyone enjoyed and had a great time!

We are currently up North, for our Shabbaton in Tzfat. Everyone has been looking forward to this Shabbaton for a while now, and we are very excited to have the opportunity of staying in the Old City. Alumni will be joining us for what Be"H promises to be an amazing weekend! We hope to post pictures from the Shabbaton in the next Newsletter.

A Freilichin Chanukah & Chag Sameach!

Regards from the Lev

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